• Welcome to
    Walcha Presbyterian Church

    9:30am Church Service,
    Hill Street, Walcha, NSW.

    “Bless the LORD, O my soul,
    O LORD my God, you are very great!”
    – Psalm 104:1

Newsletter, November 2024 (please note, the newsletter is designed to be printed as a booklet)

Daily Bible reading temple

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Walcha Presbyterian Church

to show God’s love by word and deed, and to encourage others to follow Him

“I have been much tried and tempted, but this is my sheet-anchor: He has said, ‘Whoever comes to me, I will in no wise cast out.’ I know that I come to Him and I expect that He will be as good as His word. Poor and unworthy as I am, He will not trifle with me, nor deceive me.”

A Christian is someone who realises that they have done wrong – both against other people and ultimately, against God. In the book Pilgrim’s Progress sin is pictured as being a great burden that weighs down a person’s back. We all know something of this when we feel a grubby conscience – God has written His law on our hearts (Rom. 2:15).

Yet, God has acted to fix this problem. The Apostle Paul cut to the heart of what God has done when he said this to the Christians in the city of Corinth: I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).” A Christian is someone who knows this and believes this- they have turned to God in repentance and faith. A Christian is now a changed person. Having come to love and trust God, it is my prayer that I will become more and more like Jesus. I long to be able to look back from the moment I came to trust in Him and to see how He has changed me: “Yes, God has worked within me.  I am more like Christ.”

As Christians, when we meet together on Sunday, we desire three things, 1) to worship God. Above all this is our motive in meeting together. 2) to hear from His Word. 3) to encourage one another.

Youth Group

What is a Youth Group? As Christians, we believe that God is the God of all people, including youth. And so, each we will meet together with the purpose of having fun and learning about God. The Bible verse that we have as our ‘theme’ is 1 Timothy 4:12,

“Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”

Each of the leaders has completed the required Working With Children Checks and Breaking the Silence training.

What happens at Youth Group? We will more or less do the following each week. We will spend the first hour playing games together, listen to a short talk from the Bible with some questions and then have some food together.

Who is invited? Anyone in Years 5 to 9 at school.

What time is it? We meet at the Presbyterian Church hall on Saturday evenings, 5pm to 7pm during school term time.

How much does it cost? Nothing. You don’t need to bring anything. 

If you have any questions, then feel free to contact Graham and Karen Barnes on (02) 6777 2539.


Contact us

Get in touch

Pastors/elders: Graham Barnes, Doug Wild (Clerk) and Stuart Andrews
8E Hill Street
Walcha, NSW, 2354

Phone: (02) 6777 2539

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